Friday, January 29, 2010

The story of a stamp

Yesterday afternoon, Seth sat in the sick bay at school waiting for me to pick him up. While he was there he ran his hands over the various walls and desks and other objects in his immediate vicinity. While examining a board, he found this stamp. When he came home to go to bed (poor little guy) he showed me his treasure and asked if I could look it up on the internet.

The stamp says..."Gold Strike Saving Stamp circa 1957".

Little did I know that I could figure out more by calling my Mom than googling the internet. The internet was fruitless. My Mom, however, was a plethora of information.

Apparently, people used to get these little stamps when they bought groceries. You would collect them and place them into booklets that were provided. Once you had saved up enough stamps, there was a store in town that you could redeem your stamps for a variety of objects. My sources tell me that there was furniture, appliances and all sorts of goodies to choose from depending on how many stamps you saved. My Grandma tells me that she herself got many of the items that now sit in her home from these saving stamps.

I told Seth what his stamp was for and he was thrilled at the concept that this stamp had been tucked away beneath that board while his Grandma and mom when to school there. I was excited at the chance to be a History Hunter!
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1 comment:

  1. I was glad to share my memories and experiences of a time long ago when life was simple and fun!( Wait a minute when did I get so old? I sound like a grandma sharing stories!)Oh, yea I am and I love it. I am glad Seth was excited to find out about the treasure he found in my old grade school!!!
    MOM,Grandma in Utah
