Friday, November 12, 2010

Tis the season...

Today~ I wield my apron and my spatula like a knight with his sword- and go into battle.

Okay... so it's not a battle so much as it is just a bunch of yumminess. In preparation for Chocolate season- I make fondant. Mmmmm... I am adding a few new flavors to the spectrum.

Cherry Pecan
Cherry Cordials
Pumpkin Pie
The last three will be dipped in white chocolate. The strawberry will be rolled in nuts.

This is of course to collaborate with the rest of the menu.
Peanut Butter

Are you drooling yet?

Saturday, October 30, 2010



Perhaps it may be time for me to post some pics of the kids at Halloween. I haven't been so good at posting to this ole blog of mine since I switched computers. Something about this smaller laptop makes it more tricky.

Nevertheless... I carry on. Just slightly delayed and far less often.

Presenting... Eli as Thomas the Tank Engine. Sophie as Belle. Isaac as himself in his basketball uniform (he didn't want to change after his first big game) Seth as Wolverine and our two new friends Anson and Riley.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Which witch is which?

For my Mom's birthday on the 22nd I thought it would be a marvelous idea to have my Dad watch Eli (the rest of the kids were with their Dad and Emily having a splendid time) and take Mom out on the town to this....
Where we looked liked this....

I know, I know... I look like my mother! For a trippy second I thought I was standing next to some sort of magical aging mirror. Good thing my mom is a beautiful lady.
We didn't get any good shots of the THOUSANDS of witches that were in attendance since it was night time, but it was one crazy busy witch convention.
It reminded me of one of my favorite childhood books...

Except that the witches I saw were far more lovely than this description.
"witches have no hair, and must therefore wear wigs directly on their naked scalps, resulting in a condition they call "wig-rash"; witches have thin, curved, claw-like fingernails that they must disguise with gloves; witches have no toes; a witch's spit is bright blue, leaving a pale bluish film on their teeth; and a witch has unusual color-changing pupils in which one may see 'fire and ice dancing' in the centre."

I came home and showed the kids my lovely witchiness. They found it as a shock. They have never seen my "witchy" side. (snickering)
Sophie was enthralled. She now LOVES all things witchy. So much so that she has surpassed the beautiful princess costume that her Dad and Emily gave her for Halloween, (Truly the two most adorable Snow White and Belle costumes I have seen for awhile) to become this....
We have so many, many halloween activities to attend I am hoping she will at least "trade" costumes for a night. In the meantime... she is one adorable witch!! Plus I only paid $6 for her entire costume... so I really can't go wrong with that.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sophie the rock star.

Sophie has been singing. She sings in the car, she sings in the bathtub, she sings getting dressed for school.
Sing sing sing sing sing.

She's been singing to get ready for her school performance...

 At which she performed fabulously!!

Good job Sophie girl!! 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Monday night was Family Home Evening. I decided it would be a fun time to take the kids to the Pumpkin Patch in Idaho Falls with a friend and his kids. So... with 7 kids and two adults we tackled the task!

 Sophie liked the baby pumpkins!
 Eli was angry at the pumpkins and yelling at everyone!
 Isaac was happy that they had free suckers and filled up his pockets accordingly.
 Seth picked out several pumpkins.
 He was as sneaky as a ninja and we had to put several back
because he picked tooo many!
 Sophie and Eli both liked to ride in the wagon and
there was a debate as to who would be riding.
 Eli wanted to take all the pumpkins out.
 Seth grew a few muscles to lift this bad boy over his head.
or maybe... he had a little help.
Trent's boys looking all GQ in their matching coats!

After, we all went to Denny's for some hot chocolate. The waitress about passed out having to serve so many kidlets. It was a funny site to see. All in all... a fabulous time. Thanks Trent!

The Metro

I liked the metro. It's a convienant way to get from place to place quickly. However, the metro is only fun when it includes air conditioning. Keep in mind we were in DC in July... in 100 degree weather... on the metro... with no AC... with the babies.

Let's just sum it up to be a unforgettable moment.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Big pies, little pies, pies, pies, pies!

I am a fan of pies... but sometimes making a big ol' pie
1). is alot of work.
2). leaves me eating too much pie.

Yesterday I came across this FABULOUS site (which has since been bookmarked as a favorite) that has the perfect solution to my pie woes.

Now I can have perfect individual sized pies for myself, for my friends, for my kids... for EVERYONE! I also hear rumors that they are pretty easy to ship. There may be a contest in the foreseeable future.  :)

Upon making these I have realized two things... 1. open mouth jar is easier to work with... but regular is doable. 2. When making pumpkin pie.. you can't forget the eggs. Oops.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

DC~ Finally. The rest of the story.

Now that I have been home for 3 months I guess it is time to post the rest of the events from my little vacation back east. I didn't get too many pictures from Virginia... but I did get plenty of DC.

It was a crazy busy time in DC. There were thousands of people. They had some sort of cultural event going on in the mall. When I go again... I will check for a less busy day. Kate and I had the twins so we were pushing the stroller through this mayhem! The lines were insane long...
this was the shortest line we stood in. When we went to go to the Rotunda the line went on and on outside... and then we had to wait in line again once we were up there. One of the guards pulled us in early so we didn't have to stand in that line for long though. That's where the Declaration of Independance was. No photos were allowed and those guards looked like they meant business!

For those of you that are unfamiliar with DC. The Smithsonian is located there. It is a series of different museums. I had an agenda and only hit the ones that I didn't get to see the first time I was here. Even still, there were several that I missed.

but I did get to see Julia Fairchild's kitchen.

Kermit the Frog... in person!

and Judy Garland's Ruby Red slippers from Wizard of Oz. They had a lot of sole. (buah ha ha)

There was plenty of traffic on the way there.
These guys were definatley stuck longer than us though.

and you definately have to take care when walking across the street since
I barely escaped a run in with public transportation.

More to be posted later.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

From an aspie...

Someone once told me that my Seth would never be able to live a fulfilling sucessful life. I disagreed wholeheartedly. They didn't know or understand my Seth. Today, I came across this. Which is written by an aspie and sums it up completly.

This “In Their Own Words,” is written by Aaron Likens from St. Louis, Mo. Likens is the author of “Finding Kansas: Decoding the Enigma of Asperger’s Syndrome.”
"I dream what everyone else dreams about. I want to have a full, productive life. I want a family, a career, and the ability to live my life to the fullest. Some people seem to think that an autism label is the end and that to dream such things is a waste of time. No dream and no person is a waste of time. Yes, we may need to work harder at some things, but if we’re not given a chance then how can we succeed? There is so much potential in a mind on the spectrum, but if not given the chance how can one dream of the things that I dream about?"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Southeastern Idaho State Fair.

I have been going to the fair my ENTIRE life. I kid you not. In all of 31 years I can count the times I missed the yearly event on one hand.

This year, I thought it would be fun to experience the fair from a different viewpoint. That of an employee.
So, I got a job... in the caramel apple/cotton candy/ snowcone venue.

and can I tell you how much fun I had. I will try.
I got to dip caramel apples. I must say... I do quite well at that!
I bagged cotton candy. I tried to spin it once and failed comically. My favorite part about the whole experience was the people that I met. The people I worked with are all phenomenal and I love them all.

Further more~ what better opportunity to people watch? I can think of none.
Plus, I got to try every tasty item at the fair that I wanted. Tiger ears, Chocolate covered cheesecake on a stick, fried pickles, fried candy bar, baked potato, chocolate covered raspberries, tortatoes... and of course
a caramel apple :) Overall~ excellent experience.

The boys... a new school... a new adventure.

I waited a bit longer on Seth and Isaac's first day. It was two weeks ago... but I wanted to tell you all what I think about their new school at the same time. So I gave it a bit of time.

Seth seems to have difficulties adjusting to the new school routine every year. This year was no exception. We all had a couple of rough days. However, they were short lived. This school is fabulous!!! The made sure that they had his IEP on file (the one I had worked so hard on for the last two years.) and are following it precisely. I love them.

Seth was highly fashionable in his new clothes and loves his new teacher. Mrs. May. She had taken the time to speak with his previous teachers and had a mechanical pencil waiting for him when he got to school. I can't even tell you how awesome he thought that was. The school's PTA had put together little treat bags for each class. It had candy, pencils, and a couple of other trinkets.  Isaac also informed me yesterday that Seth has more friends than he does. I can't tell you how happy that makes me! We've had no bullies. The school isn't sending him home all the time. He has a great support system. This year is going to be the best!

Isaac was excited to be a big 2nd grader.
He knew lots of people in his class already and with his charming personality, he fit right in.... well other than being a foot taller than all the other kids. I just signed Isaac up for basketball. We are definately looking forward to that. Especially since I will be coaching alongside my basketball buddy from Jr. High! It will be great! Isn't he handsome.

What I love most is that I no longer have to get the kids up and dressed and drive to the school. They walk, it's just right around the corner. I walk them to the corner and then get to come back and start my day. It's fabulous. Especially because I don't have to sit and wait for that ridiculous train!
Ahhh... they are getting so grown up! I am so proud of my kids.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mr. Man goes to school

The first day of school for any kid is an exciting day. It wasn't any different for Mr. Eli. He promptly arose in the morning and got dressed in his nicest outfit, his "sunday sweater" as he called it. All morning long he kept asking if it was time to leave yet. He had packed up his backpack with a few essential toys and was ready to go. Unfortunately for Eli, school doesn't start until noon. So he waited, and waited, and waited. He read his train book. He played with some cars. That clock was just not moving fast enough! At eleven o' clock, after getting the baby down for a nap (I'm babysitting), I let Eli know that it was time to tidy up. Only 30 more minutes before we could leave for school... but where was Eli? He didn't reply and I couldn't see him from where I was sitting when only moments prior he was precariously perched on the arm of the couch. I removed myself and the baby from the comfortable spot we had created on the couch to lay her down.

That's when I saw that Eli had overexcited himself so much that he had decided to take a nap.
When I woke him up, he was fresh and ready to go!!

He opened the door and peeked through until he saw his most beloved teachers. Miss Jennifer and Miss Jadi!

He stopped long enough for me to take a picture and then scampered to show off his cubby.
Good job Mister Man!

Monday, August 23, 2010

All growed up and off into the world.

My baby girl Sophie...
Has done a bit of growing.
Due in part to healthy breakfasts.
and now she is all grown, picking out her own stylish attire to which she says,
"mama, I look like Hannah Montana!"

and then I take her by the hand... and we walk to the bus stop.

and she starts a whole new chapter in her book of life.
The school years. Good thing they last awhile!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Arrrgh- Yeehaw

Ahoy me matey, I'm a fixin to show ya'll skallywags a bit o'sumtin.
Eli and Sophie had an end of the year celebration for Pre-school.
They were pirate-cowboys.
Pirate-Cowboys dressed in coats because it was freezing here in Idaho in May!  They were by far the cutest Pir-ow-kids there and they sang there little hearts out. So proud.

Friday, June 25, 2010


So I have been in Virginia for almost two weeks, however, my vacation did not officially start until yesterday when I came to my cousins. Today, the site seeing began... and what better way to start off a vacation than with a trip to the DC temple. Which was absolutely amazing. The trees are all green and lush and the temple- is a vast whiteness against all the green. I loved it!!!
We had Katie's kids (who I have fallen in love with btw). Aren't the twins just so cute. That is Greta and Sophie (left to right).

Monday, June 21, 2010

A blast from the past.

Since I am sitting at my old computer... I am going to take advantage of the older photos I have on here. Enjoy.
Oh how I love my kids. I wish I could bottle them up at each precious stage of their lives and keep them forever.