Monday, August 23, 2010

All growed up and off into the world.

My baby girl Sophie...
Has done a bit of growing.
Due in part to healthy breakfasts.
and now she is all grown, picking out her own stylish attire to which she says,
"mama, I look like Hannah Montana!"

and then I take her by the hand... and we walk to the bus stop.

and she starts a whole new chapter in her book of life.
The school years. Good thing they last awhile!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Arrrgh- Yeehaw

Ahoy me matey, I'm a fixin to show ya'll skallywags a bit o'sumtin.
Eli and Sophie had an end of the year celebration for Pre-school.
They were pirate-cowboys.
Pirate-Cowboys dressed in coats because it was freezing here in Idaho in May!  They were by far the cutest Pir-ow-kids there and they sang there little hearts out. So proud.