Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Isaac Michael Wacaser


7 years ago, Isaac was born. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz~ by far my largest baby and the only one to NOT be delivered by C-section.
Since then, he has brought love, joy and peace into my home. He is such an amazing little... errr... big guy. He is always concerned about others and has a sensitive heart which makes him a integral part of our family. I love you Ike!!

p.s. I didn't really buy you any my little ponies. You'll get your suprise in the morning!!!! ( yes, he is sitting here reading this :)
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  1. Happy Birthday Isaac! You are just a little bit younger than my seven year old Grandaughter Lindsay. She, by the way, LOVES My Little Ponys. So if you get some you can send them to her!
    Have a fun time being seven, I hear it's a really good age to be!

  2. Happy Birthday to Isaac. I sang the song to him over the phone the night before his big day. Needless to say..He was left breathless, not from how wonderful I sang but from laughing so hard that he could not breath!(Jen was laughing with him) I love him lots! They are all my sunshine in life!
    Mom & grandma in Utah
