Monday, December 7, 2009

A few of my favorite things...

* crunchy snow

* sunsets

* laughter

* nonsense

* music

* my children

* electric blankets

* flowers

* pottery

* cinnamon toast crunch

* painting

* learning

* the smell of laundry detergent

* my Mom and Dad

* nice people

* Christmas

* hats

* avacados

What are some of your favorite things?


  1. I am with you on the electric blanket...especially on days like today!

  2. A lot of mine are the same as yours. I do have a big one though that you won't have for a while.
    My sweet, beautiful, loving, intelligent, wonderful, etc, etc, Five Precious Grandaughters!

  3. I LOVE laundry detergent.

    I can't pass the isle without stopping and smelling a few.

    I could use an electric blanket. We're in the negatives at night right now.
