Tuesday, September 1, 2009

School Bullies

This morning I made a visit to the school to speak with the principal. I was fortunate in my timing because not only did I get a chance to talk with the principal, but I also got to speak to the bullies themselves.

We arrived slightly before the school opened for the day. Isaac and Seth were standing at the base of the stairs while I was standing further up. Along comes the bullies, they see Seth, they don't see me. First thing out of their mouths are taunting phrases directed to Seth. I step forward, bullies mouths drop open. I give the "mad Mom stare". I don't have many super powers but this is one I have on reserve- although my own children have a built up immunity.

I talked to the bullies... the conversation went something like this.
Me-"Hey... I hear you two are picking on my boys."
Frantic head shakes "No".
Me-"*Charlie, you know Seth has a hard time. Why are you picking on him?"
Charlie- "I dunno" stares at feet.
Me-"Do you know why I am here?"
Charlie- "To talk with Principal Wilson."
Me- "Yes, but I want to give you boys and opportunity to be honest. Do you want to tell Principal Wilson what happened yesterday or should I?"
Charlie- "I... I will talk with Principal Wilson."
Other boy- "Me too."
Me- "Okay, that is a very responsible decision and I don't want to hear about you picking on my boys again. Do we understand?"
Frantic head shaking- yes.

I then went in and spoke with Principal Wilson about the arrangement I had made with the boys. The boys were nearby so I motioned for them to come forward, which they did and they told Pricipal Wilson they would come in to speak with him.

*Names have been change to protect the not so innocent

I do not recall ever being picked on in school. As a parent, this is hard to watch happen to your child. Fortunately, the school is very good about being as protective of Seth as I am. Principal Wilson was not very happy to hear that Seth had been picked on. I am hopeful that taking care of the matter quickly will put a speedy end to such poor behavior. What are parents teaching their children these days? So sad.


  1. Way to go! That must have felt so good to give them a mama bear stare!

  2. From my experience, having the principal on board is so important.

    I'm sorry that Seth and Isaac are having to deal with this. Give them extra hugs from their aunt!

  3. Ahhhh! that makes me sad. What a good mom you are... Hope all gets better for your boys. :) Love, Hailey

  4. P.S. I love your blog. When are going to come to Boise and help me with mine!!!!

  5. I think it's awesome that they didn't see you. You now have witnessed the problem with your own eyes. Those boys can't deny anything now. Busted!!!!

