Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You have got to be kidding...

Holy virus' batman!

I am so glad I canceled out little trip! We went to the Doctor for a third/ followed shortly by the fourth time in a week. I FINALLY got into a doctor that agreed to swab the whole family instead of just casually throwing out a diagnosis with nothing to back it up.

Here are the final results.... drum roll please!....................

We have:
Strep throat


Two ear infections (each in separate children)

and the swine flu!

I think our weekend away would have been a complete bust :)

I also think we will be quarantined for at least another week!
Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! Good thing you didn't go on the trip! Bummer thought.

  2. OH MY GOSH !!! I feel like a terriable mother not being there to help! Know that I send my love and prayers your way. Good thing you are not going on the trip.. can you imagine! Hugs and kiss's to all !!!!Mom

  3. I will wish you not only luck but your sanity as well.

  4. but if I went on my trip MOM-- I would be close enough for you to come take care of us! Yes, yes... I know... not enough face masks and bleach in the world :)

    David and Susan- Thank you... I will need it so so much!
