Some recent conversations have led me to believe that "some" of you doubt the hilarity of my daily life.
Really, people... my life is one of two things~ it is either Hell~ or it is Hellarious~
In referance to sanity... some would say that I am not so. I would have to agree. No sane person could possibly survive my life.
Here is how the day went down....
Wednesday October 14, 2009
Awake at 4am to a whimpering little child.
Promptly remove whimpering child and place him in bed with me.
4:02 am- Get poor sickly whimpering child some medicine.
4:03 am lay down
4:04 am have conversation with poor sickly whimpering child as to how a bandaid won't help his hurting head.
4:06.32 am Get a damp wash cloth for poor sickly whimpering child's head.
4:11 am get poor whimpering sickly child some 7-up.
4:12 am go back to sleep
5:21 am Awake to poor less sickly whimpering child asking for his pooh bear.
5:22 am respond by quickly retrieving pooh bear for my poor less sickly whimpering child.
5:23 am sleep- for all of us
6:46am- Awaken to a very loud other not so sickly child yell for breakfast. (it was Isaac in case you haven't caught on to that child's passion and drive for food.)
6:46 am- Yell back for him to eat a banana and to be quiet! (don't you like how I yell to be quiet! It's classic! It's like slapping your childs hand while telling him "no hitting!")
okay... so you get the idea... Fast Forward....................
Doctors Office Visit Number One:
So, after having been into the office just the day before I was fortunate enough to get a doctor who was kind enough to actually listen to my request to get some swabs done. Actually he was quite appalled that it hadn't been done previously.
Ope.... to far... Rewind just a hair.......................
I left Isaac and Seth at home with strict instructions to behave until I got back. Yesterday's visit to the doctors office with all four of them gave me at least 704 new gray hairs!
Fast Forward........................
k- we are caught up. I took Sophie and Eli in... along with myself. I wasn't worried about Sophie so we didn't check her out but the Doc confirmed that Eli had swine flu and that I had strep. He also suggested I bring everyone else in before 2:30 to get swabs done on them.
Both Eli and Sophie got suckers and stickers. They really did a fabulous job!
Fast Forward.................................
1:27 pm- Load ALL children in truck and head to Dr's office. Watch as the receptionist looks at our file, steps back, puts on a face mask, sanitizes the counter, and sanitizes her hands after handing her back the clipboard. Not that I blame her~ I just think its funny.
Eli fell asleep in the waiting room with his blankie while sitting in the chair. The other three... HAD to go potty. So they RUN across the clinic RACING to the bathroom~ Isaac won~ there was yelling from Sophie. Seth was distracted by the drinking fountain and didn't really make it to the bathroom ~ which explains his bathroom visit later on...
Eventually, we were called back.
My children were lined up like little soldiers for their height and weight. Followed by a quick exam by the doctor. okay... Seth didn't line up like a soldier at all... he was too busy "feeling" all the smooth surfaces in the room and picking off any "glue" that might be on them. Oddly, a Doctor has never questioned Seth's diagnosis of Aspergers when I tell them. :)
Then came in the nurses with the swabs. The swine flu swab goes up the nose. There were tears on that one. The strep test... well we all know how that one goes down... gagging ensued.
Somewhere in between all that... Seth had to use the restroom. The Doctor kindly pointed it out to him and off he went. Two children checked out and 7 minutes later... still no Seth! He eventually came wandering back with the statement, "What? I got distracted!"
It was done. The whole family had been appropriately prodded, poked and swabbed. I did it! whew!
2:40pm Kids get their rewards of suckers and stickers to make a sucessful trip to the Doctors office.
Fast Forward...............................................
4:37pm Recieved a call from said Doctors office to give the results of the labs. Swine flu and strep confirmed for kidlets. "Please come pick up your prescriptions."
4:38 start gathering children
4:47 stop gathering children- children want to stay home.
5:15 pm Start looking for keys
5:27 pm Find Keys ( yes, Mom... I know, I know... that is why I have a designated "key" spot!)
5:30 pm Arrive at said Doctors office- pick up prescription
Oh, I failed to mention that I had also gone and dropped off and picked-up 3 other prescriptions. It is important to know this!
5: 32 pm- Drop off prescriptions- Go home
6:23 pm- Pick up prescriptions- Stay home
and that....
is when I found it.

An incredible Hulk sticker stuck to my butt!!!
I don't know when... or how long... or how... it just was
in all its green glory!
So you tell me...
i'll bet you've had your fill of doctors for a lifetime!
ReplyDeleteYes sir~ Up next week... the Dentist :{
ReplyDeleteGreen is always a good color on you !LOL
ReplyDeleteI swear woman you should write a book, entiled as life gets you down......
I'm honestly trying to decide here Jen.
ReplyDeleteComedy or tragedy.
Perhaps a bit of both.
Carry on!
Your blog is hilarious. You make my life seem easy!! You are truly an inspiration for any mom who is having a bad day. Keep up the good work and good luck.
ReplyDeleteWell, I just got caught up on what's going on in your home....and it makes our little 'ol flu virus at the Sorenson house seem like nothing.
ReplyDeleteLoved the end. Perhaps the incredible hulk was able to give you strength to endure it all?
Katie- Coming from someone with two sets of twins +1; that has got to be the ultimate compliment! Thanks!!