I'm sure by now you are all aware of the symptoms of swine flu. The only thing Isaac was lacking was a loud hacking cough.
but... because my Mommy instincts were shouting at me... we went to Urgent Care. There I briefly explained Ike's symptoms and they quickly turned him into a ninja warrior.

Once we got in to see the Doctor, he optimistically said that what Isaac may have is strep throat rather than the dreaded H1N1 virus. That would be great! Isaac did not have any signs of a fever. So they swabbed his throat... and I sat waiting for 15 minutes. Actually I was singing songs to the littles to keep them entertained. Doc came back in and said it was negative... but it doesn't always catch it... (what's the point of the test?)
He then said that he was going to put Ike on an anti-biotic. If it were strep... he'll quickly improve... if it is not, than he would see me tomorrow.
So, out we went to collect stickers for my good little children who were so patient. While standing and rummaging through the sticker drawer- Ike keeps getting paler and paler. He then removes himself from the sticker drawer without getting a sticker to come stand next to me -BIG RED FLAG- the nurse continues looking for a sticker he would like. I quickly pull out the plastic tupperware that I had so cleverly stowed away in my purse for just such a moment... and sure enough... puke fest!
The doctor pulled us back into the office... gave me a prescription for Tamiflu under the direction to not use it until Ike has a fever. He then counseled me that the entire family was sure to get it. No-one, not even myself would be safe. He went as far to suggest that I go home and prep some meals tonight so my children wouldn't starve when I am sick. BOOOOOO~
I went to wal-mart and picked up the following supplies.

If anyone wants to kindly volunteer to come take care of me and my family please do so now. Bring your own gloves :)
We too had a scare this last week. My friend babysits her cousin who ended up with a fever and H1N1 virus Saturday. Friday, my friend had been watching him. Saturday night, while cousin is going to the Dr, my friend and kids came over to my house for dinner. We both have been waiting for symptoms to show all week and luckily nothing has happened to either of our families.
ReplyDeleteI hope that the same happens for you.
Good luck with that. Pray really hard. I'll pray for you too. Hopefully he never even gets a fever.
Good thing it's not contagious over the internet. I have only a couple of weeks left before the baby comes and I'm hoping we can stay clear of it. I have to get a flu shot tomorrow and am planning on taking the kids to the doc this week. They are totally NOT going to like it, but with the baby on the way, I do not want any of us to get sick, especially the baby.
ReplyDeleteI hope that the flu does not spread.
Oh no! how are you doing? Surviving? Was the doctors prediction right? Did you catch it?
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone is on the mend.