Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slow it down...

I am protesting time. It needs to slow down.

Today, both Sophie and Eli went to pre-school. ALL of the kids are now officially in school. It saddened my heart.

Eli went in without even glancing back.

Sophie left early at 9 am for three hours of speech therapy/ot/pt before heading to school.
I thought for sure she would be happy to see me when I picked her up.

She cried!

Until I consoled her through bribery.
Eli, on the other hand, fell promptly asleep. Too much singing and dancing can do that to a kid!

NOW.......What to do with all this extra time...


  1. So funny that you posted this. Just today I was thinking towards next fall, when both Alexandra and Lorelai will be in school all day. (and Elisabeth is so easy that she hardly counts...well, she counts, know what I mean). So anyways, in one year, I will be having the same predicament as you....what to do with all the extra time :) A great problem indeed!

  2. David- 01:28:00 AM- What happened to "early to bed, early to rise??"
