The fair is here...
The one moment that totally and completely ushers in fall for me has finally come. The Eastern Idaho State Fair.
Since the time of my birth I have been attending this great fair of ours. Missing only a few years when I was living in Wyoming. It has not changed much. The culligan booth still has the huge faucet of water that seems to run from the sky along with paper headbands with a feather in the back. The Union Pacific Railroad booth is still handing out free pencils and RR crossing stickers, and you can still get a grab bag full of unwanted items that the children seem to go bazonkers over at the overpriced toy booth.

My most favorite aspect of the fair has got to be the food. I suppose it is all the smells of grease laden sweets and forbidden foods that leave me coveting the items I would not dare eat at any other time. Buttered corn, tiger ears, scones, funnel cakes, navajo tacos... really I could go on and on.
The next best thing about the fair is that I truly believe it is the ONLY place that you can eat such fattening, messy foods without having any tinges of remorse. No matter who you are, what you look like, or what you wear... there is always someone at the fair that is far worse than yourself. It is truly a boost of self-confidence. This year I saw a bearded woman and she was not intended to be "part" of the fair itself. (I'm sorry bearded lady if you inadvertantly cross my blog and feel badly but you could have shaved before going to the fair!)
We had a good time and I hope to be able to go again before it leaves for another year.Sophie met Miss Idaho and fell in love with a pony named salt and pepper. Isaac was in food heaven and Seth (although feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the people) was able to add masses to his paper collection. Eli took a nap through all but one hour of it!

Now, I'm going to go watch a movie and wait patiently for my sister to bring me a funnel cake :)
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