Tonight for dinner we had sizzling lime steak fajitas. Very delicious.
After dinner we raced to hurry and get faces washed, shoes, jackets, etc. in order for me to get to a baby shower for a dear friend. While I was busy getting children ready to go... Sophie was busy eating her most favorite vegetable/fruit in the world... avocados.
We all make it to the truck, buckle up and head out. I look over to see that Isaac has peed his pants. Quick phone call to Grandma and I think we have the situation remedied. I make it over to the stake center. There are alot of cars for a babyshower. I think to myself, "wow, Michelle has a lot of support! That's great!" I even see two older women from our ward toting gifts and head inside.
I get the kids all arranged, (Isaac with a t-shirt wrapped around his waist until Grandma comes to the rescue) and head inside. I am noticing as I walk in that the gynasium seems a bit overdressed for a baby shower... but that the colors ARE pink and blue. Hmmm... interesting. I tell the kids to stay put and take a peek through the gym doors. I see a gift table, people eating cake, and a bride in a big white foofy dress... oh my heck! This is not a baby shower!!
I quickly scoot the kids out the door despite protests from Isaac who saw the cake! I get inside the truck and peak at the invitation. It reads... "Blackfoot Stake Center.... Highland Dr." oops! I'm on Mt. Putnam. Wrong stake center!
I get the kids back into the truck and give my Mom a call to ask where Highland Drive is and to hold off on the clothes until I figure out where I am supposed to be. She doesn't know where Highland Drive is but directs me to two other stake centers in town. Yes, I said TWO! After visiting the second one with no luck. I'm about to throw in the towel. Wait, there is only one more stake center left... it could be it. I randomly drive to where I think it might be... Voile'... there it is.
I pull into the parking lot. Put the truck in park and turn around to see two sleeping little children. I don't want to wake them up so I tell the boys to sit tight and I will just run in the gift and we will go home. Isaac starts crying at this because he REALLY wants to go in... he says to me... "wait, Mom, Sophie is waking up!" I turn around and sure enough... she is waking up. Just in time to throw up her dinner all over the truck. Fortunately, I happen to have a tupperware container handy which suprisingly contains vomit very well and makes for a very tidy clean-up.
Poor Sophie. I ran into the church to grab a bundle of papertowels, cleaned her up best I could, dropped off the gift, and headed home. Eli slept through it all. Isaac helped clean off the carseat with the hose and was kind enough to wash off the windows and the lawn mower. Seth continued to read Harry Potter vaquely aware that there was chaos surrounding him.
When things finally settled, I sat on the couch with Sophie in my arms. She looked up at me and said..."Mama, I'm sorry we didn't get to go to the party." My reply, "It's not your fault honey." To which she said... "I know, it's my tummy's fault!" Which kind of made everything worth while, despite the tumult!
Wow, you must be exhausted! What a crazy day but I love the ending. =) I'm glad Isaac was a good helper. I don't know how you do it. You are amazing to me.
You poor woman! What a day!