Saturday, June 20, 2009

A no good, terrible, rotten, very bad day...

Originally uploaded by edsel

I was so excited when I got up this morning. After two weeks of having my kids gone (all but Eli) I was going to go pick them up! I had big plans too! I had taken the back row of seats out of the beast (similar to picture above but with the classic blue on blue two tone) and placed the kids' tiny couch and chairs so we could stop on the way back from West Yellowstone to enjoy a picnic... even if it was raining! I even packed their swimming suits in case the sun decided to shine, and then we would stop at Porter Park for a romp through their public water park. But alas, my desire was not to be so. Just outside the lava flows (about 15 miles North of Blackfoot) my poor old suburban decided it had seen enough of the road. I threw a rod and it went straight through my oil pan, rattled around for a bit, and landed somewhere on the freeway! The beast was smoking and sputtering. I pulled to the side of the road. No sooner had I stopped do I turn around to see two state troopers pull up behind me. They were kind enough to assess the situation for me. "Oh, that didn't look good." says one... pop hood, check under... "Looks bad" says the other. "Gee, thanks fellas!"

I got a tow home (Thanks Jake) and after several panicked real tears, my sister was kind enough to let me take her durango to West Yellowstone to pick up the kids. All the while emphasizing how all it had was liability. I'm thinking, "is that going to affect how I drive?" It did! I was terrified! I was so nervous the whole time that I literally went from point A to point B. No chances of getting into an accident if I don't stray off the path... at least that was my harried thinking at the time. The kids "I'm thirsty. Can we stop" Me "Nope, Can't, Sorry" Kids "I have to go potty." Me "Ummm... how bad? Nope, you can wait". Hands at 10 and 20. Check blind spots 5 times, blinker, mirrors, blind spot again, lane change. I would have rather walked to pick up the kids than dealt with the anxiety.

Bring on the car hunt.

1 comment:

  1. Your blue beast reminds me of our first too was blue on blue with blue seats.....I wonder if it was the same one that we used to have..we had traded it off for a white one in Cody several years back. I am sorry for you troubles though. Happy car hunting.
