I love storms. I especially love lightening and rain! I was truly sad when April came and went without a really good thunderstorm. Fortunately June is bringing in what April lacked.
Growing up we had a deck on both the front and back of our house. We (my parents and I) would always run out to the deck and sit and watch the lightening chase across the sky. Its one of my favorite things to do. I bet I would make an awesome storm chaser!
Tonight we had a freak hail storm. I had just gotten off the phone with Ken who is in Virginia who said that they had a huge thunderstorm with giant hail. No sooner did I hang up to hear the sound of hail pelting the roof. The hail was HUGE and of course, I had to run outside to roll up the windows in the beast! Odd that we would have the same weather here in Idaho as they are having 2600 miles away in Virginia.
It reminded me of when I took my religion class and we learned about the second coming. I had to report on the hailstorm. Did you know that prior to the second coming there will be hail the size of 3rd graders? It's true! Guess we are not quite there just yet.