Tuesday, December 29, 2009


You would think that people would be a bit more sensitive when it comes down to sharing children. While I never wanted to have to "share" my kids with someone outside of my immediate family, that is not where life has led me.  

That being said, I try to "share" my children with a smile on my face despite miscommunications and often downright rude comments.  My kids are happy spending time with both parents.  The way I try to look at it is spending time with their Dad or Step-mom or Grandparents or even if they spent the night at a friends house will give them an experience that they couldn't have had with me.  One more tally on the board preparing them for their future. Why not try to turn it into something positive?

Yet, when I hear negative talk about the other parent being "crazy" or wishing that they had the kids "all" the time, it really comes across as a bit insensitive. Insensitive to the kids. Certainly insensitive to the other parent and full-heartedly insensitive to Heavenly Father's eternal plan.  Heavenly Father's plan is not to greedily "keep" each of his children for his own. It is to send them into the world for them to prepare their own way to return unto him. Shouldn't parenting on this earth reflect some of that same ideology?  Granted, I have the kids realistically 95% of the time but when it comes my turn to "share", I don't let the kids think that I "share" unwillingly. I chose that other parent when I married them to be the father of my children. To belittle the time my kids have with him would be to belittle my children. They are part of him just as they are part of me~ and eternally they are part of Heavenly Father.  I certainly wouldn't want to belittle Heavenly Father either.

Hopefully I will be on to more pleasant topics tomorrow but I just had to speak my mind.

The kids are home and we will be having our Christmas tomorrow morning! Then I will get to share our Christmas story.


  1. Very well stated Jen. I can never get over how fast and willing people are to hurt their children just to get a stab in at their ex.
    Hopefully the right people will get the message.

  2. You are very wise.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow :)

  3. Now I'm left wondering what happened to inspire such a posting. Hmmm. Probably should just mind my own beezwax. : )

  4. ~Oh I don't think it was anything intentional. Just a comment I read on facebook that could have been better crafted :) To put it delicately.
