Monday, December 21, 2009

Brought to you today by the letter W.

letter W

Over the period of the next month I will be transitioning back to a W name. Nothing against the G name.

It's just that majority rules in my house and when put to the family vote, well- the vote was 3-1. I being the Chairperson did not cast a vote in the decision.

It also happens that I never changed my drivers license or my social security card over to G and I am all for not having to pay, stand in line, or otherwise find extra documentation.


  1. I guess we can all look at this as a perfect situation where procrastination has paid off Big Time!

  2. Does this mean that you will get a new blog address? No more Grovermonkees?

  3. Getting a new blog address sounds complicated. It will stay :)

  4. Oh what is the letter we love? The sound that we're extra fond of? It's not any trouble you know it's a W, when you hear wh wh wh wh! Yes when you hear wh wh wh wh!!!!

  5. How funny....I am transitioning back to the "G" a long time for me since I was that "G" name so kind of wierd for me!
