Thursday, October 4, 2018


There is a lot to be said for inspiration. I know there are plenty of people that don't believe in God but for myself, I have had too many moments where I have felt touched by the gentle promptings of the Spirit
- moments that I know did not come from myself- that I wholeheartedly believe in divine inspiration. This was one of those moments.

One evening- as I lay feeding the baby and watching "The Greatest Showman" for the 1,000th time- I had a thought. "Buy Grandma's house- remodel it. Complete it's story and prepare it for a new family."

I'm sorry... what? We are not wealthy people. In fact... we are just standard middle class people. We can't afford to purchase a home and fix it up. In fact-- we can't even fix up my own house! My honey-do list is pretty long!
My husband is a realtor and does construction- so it's possible... but it's so complicated. We would need to find an investor and we would need to dedicate a lot of time to it. As quickly as the thought came to buy it came I was inundated with doubts and fears. But undeniably there was also a very calm reassurance that it was possible- That we could find a way to do this and that my family would be blessed by this project.

With that reassurance in mind, I spoke with my husband. A few phone calls later, an investor had been found and we were starting one of the most important projects in my life. One that not only tried me physically but emotionally as I spent hours of my time tearing down the very walls that were my safe place for so long.

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