Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Road Trip... the planning phase

Slovang Windmill
Originally uploaded by andrew.wallwork

I graduate in October. To celebrate a freind of mine and I are planning a road trip. How is California in October?

The possible places we will be staying are Slovang, Oceanside, or Big Bear? I really wanted to stay in Anneheim but they are all booked. I will have to settle.

Possible events:
Catalina Island,
The Price is Right

If anyone has any suggestions for what to do/ where to stay... by all means... suggest away.


  1. I spent today at Disneyland, and would recommend it to anyone (of course). I have been to the Price is Right 7 or 8 times.....such a fun experience (I was never chosen, but my friend spun a dollar on the wheel and won the showcase!). As for Catalina....I haven't been there....but it is on my list for tomorrow (so excited!)

    And I love California in October!

  2. Ahh... lucky girl! Like I need to tell you... but I will anyway... take LOTS of pics.

  3. OK, so those pictures were not Catalina, just the regular old beach. We were going to hop a boat to Catalina for the day, but the fare for the round trip tickets would have cost several hundred dollars! So we decided just to have fun on the main land.

    Someday I want to make it over to Catalina....but only if I can spend a few days (I need to make the ticket worth it!)

  4. Several hundred... holy!!! I may have to revise my trip intentions... Gar!!
