1. My Dad was a pilot. A cropduster to be exact. I love little airplanes but get nervous flying in big ones when I can't see the controls.
2. My Dad died when I was five.
3. I like to be a bit different than everyone else in my family. My sister says I have a "unique" sense of style. I'm not sure that it was a compliment, but I will take it as one!
4. I think my family is overly critical... but I still love them.
5. I have an ex husband.
6. I'm about to have another.
7. My children are amazing. -a commonly known fact but one I must add nonetheless.
8. I will only cook if my counters are all cleaned off and the dishes put away.
9. I like fishing but I don't like to eat fish.
10. I love old things, especially when they have a history.
11. I will eat cereal whenever I want and as much as I want. I strongly disagree with any type of cereal nazi.
12. My Mom lived with a very bad man for three years of our lives. He was a cereal nazi!
13. I have the most amazing step-dad in the world!
14. Volleyball, basketball and softball are my thing.
15. I have asthma. It gets bad when I laugh too much and then I weeze and it makes me laugh harder!
16. My roommates in college were all certifiably crazy and I loved them all the more because of it. *Mid-night band, Titanic obsessions, a fish in the couch, Pictures of cleveland... good times, good times!
17. My favorite color is green because it reminds me of grass and trees.
18. I love a good picnic in an odd spot. My favorite was on a median (island) in between two busy streets.
19. I secretly like politics.
20. I love history. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era but I would never be able to pick a favorite anyway, so here I am.