Friday, May 1, 2009

Money and Power... or neither

Field of swaying lilies

I have unsuccessfully attempted posting twice over the last week. Seems like something always interrupts and then I forget. This week has been absolute chaos. Fortunately, I thrive under such circumstances so overall it was just fine. I was greatly blessed by a rather fortunate happening when my attorney showed up to present me in court although he told me he could no longer do so. After much praying and much research, the Lord was kind enough to see me through a very difficult circumstance through the generosity of another. Of course, we lost :) but no matter- it is only money and money does not bring any type of happiness.

D&C 84:81-84
Therefore, take ye no thought for the morrow, for what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, or wherewithal ye shall be clothed.
For, consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin; and the kingdoms of the world, in all their glory, are not arrayed like one of these.
For your Father, who is in heaven, knoweth that you have need of all these things.
Therefore, let the morrow take thought for the things of itself.

I strongly believe that money is inherently evil and yes, I have had money. I don't anymore ;) I have seen how relationships can be destroyed by greed. I feel that it takes a strong person to take money and do good with it. Money can be both a blessing and a curse. Right now, I do not suffer from that trial although sometimes I long to! What I do know is that the Lord will always provide what you need, when you need it as long as you are living righteously.


  1. Thanks Lisa, I appreciate it & Welcome to my blog!!

  2. i was going to comment on the post above, but i didn't see a place to.

  3. C'mon David. Be creative. Think outside the box and post under my why!
