Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by the trial

I really love writing. It seems like in this day, typing has taken over the almighty pen and pencil. For me, their is something euphoric that comes along with the smell of a fresh pack of paper and I absolutely love the sound that a good number two pencil makes when writing on a crisp paper.

My grandma used to make me practice my handwriting everyday after school. Cursive to be exact. She said that the art of handwriting is not taught properly in school anymore. I agree. I very rarely write with paper and pencil anymore except for the sheer pleasure of it.

It all made me think of the book of Ether where Moroni speaks about how his weakness is in writing. "And thou hast made us that we could write but little, because of the awkwardness of our hands" and he was afraid of ridicule from the Gentiles... unto which the Lord replied "Fools mock, but they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness;" The Lord then goes on saying that if men come unto him he shall show them their weaknesses and that their weaknesses made be made strong through him.

Now tell me this, when you think of Moroni- Do you think of how poorly he wrote? I think not.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Originally uploaded by ghubacek

Forget coupons... I like the free stuff!

Here is some freeness that I came across to share with my beloved bloggers.

The Mars company is giving away free chocolate every Friday until September. You have to be among the first on friday to get your coupon for a free candy bar but my bet is that it is worth it.

Apparently Arby's offers free stuff every Wednesday. Of course there is a catch with this one since you have to purchase something to get the freeness, but seriously if you are out and about on Wed, and happen by an Arby's... may as well get lunch!

Here's the schedule:

Arby's free wednesdays
13 - Free Roastburger with any soft drink purchase
20 - Free Chocolate Malt Swirl Shake with any sandwich purchase
27 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase

3 - Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
10 - Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
17 - Free Regular Sidekickers® with any sandwich purchase
24 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase

1 - Free Regular Beef 'n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase
8 - Free Orange Cream Swirl Shake with any sandwich purchase
15 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
22 - Free Roastburger with any soft drink purchase
29 - Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase

5 - Free Regular Roast Beef with any soft drink purchase
12 - Free Roast Chicken Club with any soft drink purchase
19 - Free Iced FruiTea with any sandwich purchase
26 - Free Regular Beef 'n Cheddar with any soft drink purchase

For all you men- here's the opportunity to cut down on your hygiene purchases for the month. A free deodorant! I don't know the size but hey... it's free- who cares!

Free mens deodorant

Can I just say that Disney is the bomb. To promote their new movie, A Christmas Carol starring Jim Carey, they are rolling out the trains! They are in Cali now. They will be hitting several places throughout the US, including Washington and Utah. I'm going to make a valid attempt to be there in Ogden on June 16th when the train rolls in!

Experience a Disney Family Attraction Coming to Your Town - and It's All for Free!‏

Disney is pulling out all the whistle stops and taking its show on the road with a
spectacular immersive and interactive 40-city train tour including a 3D sneak peek
of film footage from the upcoming movie “Disney’s A Christmas Carol,” it was
announced today (05/08/09) by Dick Cook, chairman, The Walt Disney Studios.
Set amidst a snowy backdrop—complete with all of the sights and sounds of
Christmas including carolers, decorations, giveaways and many more surprises in
each of the 40 cities—the Train Tour is being launched with HP on board as the
title and technology sponsor and driven by Amtrak. This family event is for guests
of all ages and is free to the public.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Potato harvest

It's potato planting season here in Idaho. Today I had the biggest and longest laugh concerning potatoes that I've had... well... ever!

I was driving my children to speech therapy in the Beast when all along the road, which is a 2 lane old school highway, there were hundreds of potatoes. They had been scattered all across the road as if some sort of tragic accident befell the potato truck that was transporting them.

Although there was no potato truck in view, there was a lady in a mini-van that stopped to pick from the waist high pile of potatoes on the shoulder of the road. There she was with her wal-mart shopping bag shoving potato after potato into it! I was so mad that my cell battery was dead so I could not capture the moment with the camera!

On the way back from picking the kids up, they had called a clean up crew with orange jump suits, safety cones and a truck with flashing lights. It was one of Idaho's haz-mat teams busiest days I am sure as they went to work scraping the now mashed potatoes off the road!

Thanks Idaho!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Birthday Memories...

Birthday Candle

Since today is my big 3-0- I have compiled a list of my most memorable birthday (that I can remember)

Here they are:

1). Sixth birthday- We lived out in the country on Cromwell Lane. I had all my good friends over. My Mom bought me a Cinderella birthday cake and she had a pony-- yes, a pony-- that we got to ride around the yard. Every little girls dream birthday.

Not sure if that just set the rest up for failure or what but nothing tops that day.

2). Thirteenth birthday- Mom bought a bunch of movie passes for me and my friends to go and make a night of it. I sat around waiting for my friends to come (my brother took me in the mini-van) nobody came. I cried and cried. My brother did his best to console me. It was the first time that my brother actually showed sympathy towards me for something. It turned into a very good brother/sister bonding moment.

3) Sixteenth birthday- I made my own birthday cake, wrapped my own birthday present, and the entire family celebrated the birth of the first niece/ grandbaby! Can't have a better present than that!

4) Seventeenth birthday- Boyfriend had my mom let him in the house to make me crepes for breakfast. Later, there was a surprise birthday party at his house for me. That was nice.

5). Eighteenth birthday- My first clubbing experience. Went to a club in SLC with my best friends. Forgot my drivers license and had to "borrow" my friends to get in. Had a small mexican man grinding on my leg and danced with a tall handsome guy- who said I looked "LDS". I took it as a compliment! Drove home as the designated driver (always!)

6). Thirtieth- Made Churros at lunchtime, giving myself a third degree burn on my hands (okay.. its only a first degree). Granny called and told me happy birthday, as did my mother! Grabbed a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store (no dishes) and a chick flick to watch with the kids!

Where's my pony and my glass slippers???

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Originally uploaded by Multiple fragments of tissue

Yesterday I went onto Amazon and downloaded 26 free MP3 tunes for free. I chose them at random since I didn't want to wait for my computer to play the sample and because there was about 500 free songs to choose from. I knew none of the artists and didn't recognize any of the songs. I didn't have time to listen to them today so I am sitting here tonight listening to my random choices. I did pretty good. All except one song labeled as classical called Applause that is 3:20 long. Sounds okay right? Well, the title is fitting since it is nothing but applause for 3 minutes. Nothing more... no music... just applauding!

I have decided I am going to play it when I wake up in the morning. What a boost of confidence that will be, or maybe when I get the dishes done!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Froot Loops Coupon, 1964
Originally uploaded by Roadsidepictures

I am always looking for a good bargain. I find it to be a challenge, almost thrilling when accomplished. I stand at the store pricing things with my mind... scrutinizing the per unit price and the cost per item. Not only is it fun to shop but it save me money too! When I say a good bargain, I will tell you I am pretty darn cheap. I won't buy a clothing for my kids unless it is less than $5. Unless it is really super cute, than I pay more. Generally speaking though, I keep it tight.

The newest rave amongst 30+ women around here is the art of couponing. It has peaked my interest. I have been doing a bit of research to see if I can accomplish couponing. I'm not sure that I can.

I got a Sunday newspaper last Monday, spent an hour going through the coupons to try to figure out what I would actually use, then spent another hour on the internet researching where the sales are. This was made easier by going to THen I went to the store (4 kids in tow) but forgot my coupons! So I tried again... forgot coupons again. One last time... and I learned that the stores only keep their sales going until Wednesday. UGGGHHH! How frustrating! I did manage to save $3.50 on diapers though. Guess you have to start somewhere! I will try again, maybe once my life gets a bit less crazy and a little more organized-- like when I'm translated!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Big Question

My Big Question

the answer... I have no idea!

Where has the comment link gone for my last post? It has vanished and in its absence I'm missing out on important comments. To remedy this unsightly situation... I provide this meaningless ramble to see if a comment link will show up. If it does, Please leave your comments here! If you are a super genius and know how to fix my problem, feel free to leave detailed instructions on how to do so!

Thanks and have a good day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Amazed by a third grader

For those of you who do not know, my 9 year old son has Aspergers. It is a form of autism. He is so amazing! I am constantly in awe at his ability to see what others miss. Today I joined him on a feild trip to BYU-Idaho to visit the planetarium and the gardens. I watched him closely as he sat throughout the entire planet show (which was a little long for most 3rd graders) completely captivated by the solar system. He soaked up every last little bit of information about the planets! I was also in awe at how he kept correcting the tour guide about the fossils at the museum. Kindly pointing out that it wasn't just called a mastedon but also a wooly mammoth and informing all the children that the giant elephant bird egg had to be a fossil due to it's giagantic size. Later, after we got home and went to visit our Grandma, he asked her for a bannana and began to give her a brief but accurate lesson on how bannanas grow from a dead flower.

I was also very thankful for all the friends he has in his class. Making friends has always been a struggle for Seth, but particularly so this year. One time he came home saying that the only friend that played with him that day was a bee that kept following him around the playground. Everyone in Seth's class has grown to love and accept him for who he is. I heard all day, "Mrs. Wacaser, Seth did a really good job..." I think so too kids! What I am thankful for even more than Seth's friends today, is a teacher that took the time to explain to everyone in his class what Aspergers is. She is solely responsible for creating an environment in which Seth thrives. Thankyou Mrs. Winter... I don't know what I would have done this year without you! You are the epitamy of what a teacher should be! You gave up your own personal time to help out my son and I will be forever grateful!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Money and Power... or neither

Field of swaying lilies

I have unsuccessfully attempted posting twice over the last week. Seems like something always interrupts and then I forget. This week has been absolute chaos. Fortunately, I thrive under such circumstances so overall it was just fine. I was greatly blessed by a rather fortunate happening when my attorney showed up to present me in court although he told me he could no longer do so. After much praying and much research, the Lord was kind enough to see me through a very difficult circumstance through the generosity of another. Of course, we lost :) but no matter- it is only money and money does not bring any type of happiness.

D&C 84:81-84
Therefore, take ye no thought for the morrow, for what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, or wherewithal ye shall be clothed.
For, consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin; and the kingdoms of the world, in all their glory, are not arrayed like one of these.
For your Father, who is in heaven, knoweth that you have need of all these things.
Therefore, let the morrow take thought for the things of itself.

I strongly believe that money is inherently evil and yes, I have had money. I don't anymore ;) I have seen how relationships can be destroyed by greed. I feel that it takes a strong person to take money and do good with it. Money can be both a blessing and a curse. Right now, I do not suffer from that trial although sometimes I long to! What I do know is that the Lord will always provide what you need, when you need it as long as you are living righteously.