Saturday, October 30, 2010



Perhaps it may be time for me to post some pics of the kids at Halloween. I haven't been so good at posting to this ole blog of mine since I switched computers. Something about this smaller laptop makes it more tricky.

Nevertheless... I carry on. Just slightly delayed and far less often.

Presenting... Eli as Thomas the Tank Engine. Sophie as Belle. Isaac as himself in his basketball uniform (he didn't want to change after his first big game) Seth as Wolverine and our two new friends Anson and Riley.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Which witch is which?

For my Mom's birthday on the 22nd I thought it would be a marvelous idea to have my Dad watch Eli (the rest of the kids were with their Dad and Emily having a splendid time) and take Mom out on the town to this....
Where we looked liked this....

I know, I know... I look like my mother! For a trippy second I thought I was standing next to some sort of magical aging mirror. Good thing my mom is a beautiful lady.
We didn't get any good shots of the THOUSANDS of witches that were in attendance since it was night time, but it was one crazy busy witch convention.
It reminded me of one of my favorite childhood books...

Except that the witches I saw were far more lovely than this description.
"witches have no hair, and must therefore wear wigs directly on their naked scalps, resulting in a condition they call "wig-rash"; witches have thin, curved, claw-like fingernails that they must disguise with gloves; witches have no toes; a witch's spit is bright blue, leaving a pale bluish film on their teeth; and a witch has unusual color-changing pupils in which one may see 'fire and ice dancing' in the centre."

I came home and showed the kids my lovely witchiness. They found it as a shock. They have never seen my "witchy" side. (snickering)
Sophie was enthralled. She now LOVES all things witchy. So much so that she has surpassed the beautiful princess costume that her Dad and Emily gave her for Halloween, (Truly the two most adorable Snow White and Belle costumes I have seen for awhile) to become this....
We have so many, many halloween activities to attend I am hoping she will at least "trade" costumes for a night. In the meantime... she is one adorable witch!! Plus I only paid $6 for her entire costume... so I really can't go wrong with that.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sophie the rock star.

Sophie has been singing. She sings in the car, she sings in the bathtub, she sings getting dressed for school.
Sing sing sing sing sing.

She's been singing to get ready for her school performance...

 At which she performed fabulously!!

Good job Sophie girl!! 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Monday night was Family Home Evening. I decided it would be a fun time to take the kids to the Pumpkin Patch in Idaho Falls with a friend and his kids. So... with 7 kids and two adults we tackled the task!

 Sophie liked the baby pumpkins!
 Eli was angry at the pumpkins and yelling at everyone!
 Isaac was happy that they had free suckers and filled up his pockets accordingly.
 Seth picked out several pumpkins.
 He was as sneaky as a ninja and we had to put several back
because he picked tooo many!
 Sophie and Eli both liked to ride in the wagon and
there was a debate as to who would be riding.
 Eli wanted to take all the pumpkins out.
 Seth grew a few muscles to lift this bad boy over his head.
or maybe... he had a little help.
Trent's boys looking all GQ in their matching coats!

After, we all went to Denny's for some hot chocolate. The waitress about passed out having to serve so many kidlets. It was a funny site to see. All in all... a fabulous time. Thanks Trent!

The Metro

I liked the metro. It's a convienant way to get from place to place quickly. However, the metro is only fun when it includes air conditioning. Keep in mind we were in DC in July... in 100 degree weather... on the metro... with no AC... with the babies.

Let's just sum it up to be a unforgettable moment.