Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sit and sip

I have never been a coffee drinker. It doesn't taste good. The smell, however, makes me feel warm and cozy. Some people don't like to walk down the coffee isle at the store... but I do.
Better yet, I like to go to starbucks and order myself a Caramel Apple Cider. Mmmmm. Sadly, there is no Starbucks in Blackfoot. So I go with my Dad when I am down in Utah for a visit. My Dad IS a coffee drinker.
So I, with my cider, Dad with his coffee and Eli with his juice. We sit and sip.
Dad reads the paper and we discuss political happenings. Sometimes we debate. I'm a conservative... Dad is... well... it depends on which way the wind is blowing.

These are good times and good memories. Ones that I will be able to savor as an old lady sitting in my rocking chair... sipping a cup of hot apple cider.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The little yellow dress

Several months ago now, I contacted Susan whom I have never actually met... but I feel as though we are kindred spirits about making Sophie another dress. Which you can see here Sophie's dresses. The first one was to die for.... but this yellow dress is extra special.

The story goes... My Grandma had kept onto material that was used for a dress that was made for me when I was little. I took that material and gave it to Susan to create something wonderful. I gave no instructions for what I might want. I did not pick out a pattern that she had to use. Susan had the freedom to style and design at her whim out of this heirloom fabric. 

This is what I got back in the mail...

Isn't it the most lovely and perfect dress for Sophie that has ever been created??

Susan you are amazing!!

Lucky for the rest of you... Susan is starting up an etsy site where you can purchase some of her other adorable dresses.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Little know facts... about me.

Due to technical difficulties... I still have no access to my pictures. Until I do~ my blog will be boring and mundane. Sorry.

In the meantime... for a bit of filler. Here are some more interesting tidbits I know you all are just dying to know about me.

I LOVE knicknames. If you don't have one~ I will give you one. If you already have one~ I will change it. The nicknames I give will change on a fairly regular basis. 

I have a thing for mustard. I once took a trip to San Fransisco. While I was there I took a ferry out to Alcatraz. On this ferry they had a man selling giant yummy pretzels. He gave a packet of mustard with it. Since that time I have been smearing mustard on almost everything. My favorite is a Philly Steak and Cheese with mustard. mmmmm... yummy!

I am a horrible dancer! I have no dance skills.  If you have ever seen the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine dances... it is a scary replica of what I can do on the dance floor. Nonetheless, I love dancing and do so whenever I can. I try not to injur myself or others while performing my mad dance skills.

When I was little I used to rub my hands through the granules of laundry detergent. I liked the way it felt and loved the way it smelt. Now I can't get enough of the laundry soap smell. If I could carry around a vile of laundry soap to smell througout the day I would be so content. Hmmm.... maybe that is something that could be arranged!

I love my life right now. It is so far from complex that I can actually call it simple! I am a big fan of that. I plan to keep it that way.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Good times

We girls had a blast at the Prom... but not nearly as much fun
 as that guy with the bowtie in the back corner.

We had so much fun... that it is possible that we may even go again.
but maybe.... we should learn some new dance moves! 

Sadly, the only "action" I saw was when Darla kissed me on the cheek!
good times; good times!!!