Mundo chocolate
Originally uploaded by paolita_iris
My most favorite thing in life, besides my children, is chocolate. I grew up on chocolate. My grandmas house smells like chocolate. Everything about chocolate makes me feel better.
This week for my speech class, we have to give an informative speech. Why give it on anything other than chocolate!
Here are some fun facts that I have learned already that will support my chocolate addiction in case I ever need a justification!
"Placebo-controlled trials suggest chocolate consumption may subtly enhance cognitive performance. As reported by Dr Bryan Raudenbush (2006), scores for verbal and visual memory are raised by eating chocolate. Impulse-control and reaction-time are also improved. This study needs replicating.
A "symposium" at the 2007 American Association for the Advancement of Science - hyped as a potentially "mind-altering experience" - presented evidence that chocolate consumption can be good for the brain. Experiments with chocolate-fed mice suggest that flavanol-rich cocoa stimulates neurovascular activity, enhancing memory and alertness. This research was partly funded by Mars, Inc. " found at last viewed April 10, 2009.
As if having chocolate taste yummy wasn't good enough, now they are saying it increase your brain power. The Aztecs had it right when they said that cacao came from the Gods!