Well, with my excellent sleuthing skills I finally solved the case of the missing password. Normally it would not have taken me so long to get in and just change it but it seems like lately something is always going on.
Take last week for example. We lost the keys to both the suburban and Kens work truck which left us with only the PT Cruiser. This normally is fine since we walk to church and that really is the only day we all go to the same place at the same time, but then tragedy struck our poor tire! After picking up Megan after mutueal which was watching the Meteor shower (until 12 am!) The tire blew out on the back tire on our way home. Fortunately we weren't too far from home but now... NO CAR! Ken had to get up early early to get the donut tire on before Eli's appointment for Speech therapy at 8am.
Of course bad luck always goes in threes so to top it off, Sophie's arm got broke. Isaac fell off a bench and managed to fall onto poor Sophie. It was so terribly sad. She didn't scream right away, just kind of whimpered so we thought that maybe she had bonked her head. Ken scooped her up in his arms and said "show Daddy where your owie is?" and she held up her little arm and there it was... all bent inbetween her elbow and her wrist. Ken and I dashed off to the hospital leaving Kenneth in charge. We spent 4 hours at the hospital. She had broken both bones in her right arm. They are what the Doc called "Green Fractures" which meant that it wasn't completely broken through, it had a hinge. The doctor decided to wait until the next day to set her arm since he needed to push the bones back into place and we didn't want him to do it unless she had some sort of anesthesia. Our poor luck that night was that she had just finished mammoth proportions of dinner. Homemade Mac n' cheese, green beans and jello salad. I guess the doctor didn't want to see for himself personally just how much she had eaten. He sent us home with strick instructions of "no food or drink." and put Sophie's arm in a splint.
We got into the hospital Monday at 11 for her 12pm appointment. They had a pink blanket on her bed for her as well as cute pink scrubs for her to wear. She was SO excited about all of the pink!!! We spent a total of 5 hours at the hospital. 15 minutes was her arm actually being set. The rest of the time was prep and then post. She got all the goodies she wanted though. Her request was ice cream and jello. She even got a pink cast to wear!
We went back to the doctor today for follow up x-rays and he told us that her arm is healing well. 99% fabulous were his exact words!!
She had been great to not complain about her arm at all. It doesn't slow her down either. The moment she got home she was ready to play! The only time she has said anything is when it is itching. What a good girl I have.