When I was a little girl, I often dreamed of the day that I would get married and begin a family of my own. A family with the stability that I didn't have until I was 11. A family where the gospel was at it finest in the home and the children were prime examples of model parenting.
Unfortunately, as happens to many, my dreams were only that, dreams. Although the allusion of a dream was lived for 7 years, shattered by the free agency of another.
In the words of my 8 yr. old son with autism. "That was harsh, huh mom." Sometimes children have the clearest perception of the world. Yes, divorce is harsh. I was three month pregnant with my third child when my allusion of my life became the harsh reality that it actually was. Ignorance is bliss until bliss slaps you in the face.
But as it always does... life moves on. In the face of the toughest trials I have learned my greatest lessons. Life is not easy, if it seems easy, something is tragically wrong.
Along my adventure and my growth, I relearned to love, trust and to give of myself completely. Although at times I have periods of regression. I am now the mother, step-mother and third wife. Among thousands of other titles that I hold, these are my favorite.
I have 4 step-children. I love them all and grow to love them more each day that I learn who they are and realize their full potential. They have be hurt. Lived through experiences that no child should have to ever endure and I work to unravel the pain and replace it with love. It is a hard job, but I am happy that Heavenly Father chose me to do it.
I have 3 wonderful children from my first marriage. They were my strength when I needed it the most. I am convinced that you never truly know the purest feelings of love, untainted by the world, until you have children.
Then there is the newest member of our family, the ours baby. Created in a union that is stronger than anything this crazy world can throw at us.
Since the time that we got married our lives have been one exciting and often dreadful adventure after another. It will make us stronger or rip us apart. If it rips us apart, we will no longer be whole... so we fight it at every turn.
Our family is not complete with one member missing.